Do you want to work in Wavy Surfcamp in Portugal for 2023 season?

We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated and full of energy people to be part of our Wavy family. Available jobs:
  • Xanax Uk Paypal Manager. Minimum requirements: high level of english, organizational habilities, social leadership, driver license
  • Social host. Minimum requirements: sociable person, high level of english, customer service experience. It’s highly valued to know how to dance, sing or play guitar, etc
  • Head Surf Instructor. Minimum requierements: organizational habilities, social leadership, high level of english, driver license, surf license
  • Surf instructor. Minimum requirements: high level of english, driver license, surf license
  • Receptionist. Minimun requierements: high level of english, customer service, communication skills, driver license
  • Bartender. Minimum requirements: high level of English, friendly person with communication skills. Previous experience is valued
  • Kitchen CHEF. Minimum requierements: food handler certification, Basic experience cooking healthy and vegetarian/vegan food
  • Kitchen assistant. Minimum requirements: high level of english, previous experience or cooking as a hobby
  • Teamers. Minimum requirements: high level of english, willing to help and live the Wavy Experience as part of the staff
  • Xanax Tablets Online Waiters. Minimum requirements: high level of english, it’s highly valued to know different languages
  • Alprazolam Prescription Online Photographer/film maker. Minimum requirements: high level of english, driver license, photograph and video maker experience and skills
  • Yoga teacher. Minimum requirements: high level of english, yoga instructor certification
  • Massage therapist. Minimum requierements: high level of english, massage therapist certification
  • Buy Alprazolam Uk Manteinance saff. Minimum requierements: high level of english, experience working with different materials such as wood, iron, electricity, etc.

Buy Alprazolam Canada If you are interested on some of our jobs or you have some new proposal for Wavy Surf Camp, please send us an email to Order Xanax Bars Online Overnight

Xanax Order Overnight As soon as possible the staff of Wavy will get in touch with you.