Best time to surf in Sagres (Portugal, Algarve)
Sagres is one of the favourite spots in Portugal for many surfers around the world. There are numerous beaches and the surf is pretty consistence during the whole year. Also, a very nice thing about Sagres is that you get many options for beaches, therefore you will always find a place where waves are bigger or smaller depending on your preferences.
Buying Xanax Uk But, when is the best time to surf in Sagres? I would say every month is nice and you can come at any time, but there is something special about September/ early October. WATER TERMPERATURE First of all, water feels pretty warm during this period. Sun has been heating the ocean during the whole summer and when you get in it feels pretty nice. You will Buying Xanax Bars still need a 3/2 wetsuit for most of the days but there would be some days in which you could also surf with a short wetsuit. GLASSY WAVES Another amazing thing to consider about this time of the year is that waves are normally Xanax 2Mg Bars Online super glassy. It is easy to find windless mornings when the ocean looks like smooth oil. These clean conditions are a dream for any single surfer.
Xanax Order Overnight WEATHER Portugal can get very hot during the day in summer, however afternoons and evenings get pretty chilly. This is not the case of September, when arvoes and nights are much warmer than usual. It feels super nice for outside dinners and night drinks. BREATHTAKING SUNSETS
Sky is super clean (well actually this happens during the whole summer) and sunsets are breath taking. There is something magical and peaceful about sunsets in this Algarve region. Make sure you grab a beer and enjoy one of these Alprazolam Buy India special moments with us.
Xanax Xr Online BIRD SHOW Another highlight is that the Order Xanax Online From Mexico bird migration happens in Sagres during this very special time of the year. This means, if you are surfing or hanging around you will have the opportunity to experience great encounters with amazing birds like different Eagle species, etc.
So as we said, every month is special and magical in Sagres, but September/ early October needed a special mention.
We hope you can enjoy some time with us soon at Wavy Surf Camp!
Feel nature, make new friends, smash the waves, ride a bike around, practise some yoga, try the mini ramp….but specially…
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