Top 5 Surfing Mistakes Beginners Make (And How to Avoid Them)

Top 5 Surfing Mistakes Beginners Make (And How to Avoid Them)

What’s up, Wavy fam!

Welcome back to our monthly blog post!  Whether you’re just getting your feet wet or you’ve been out there chasing waves for a while, we’ve all been beginners at some point. So today, we’re talking about the Top 5 Mistakes Beginners Make (And How to Avoid ‘Em)—because hey, the faster you get past these, the quicker you’ll be shredding!


surfer boy


1. Paddling Too Early or Too Late

Ah, timing. It’s everything in surfing! Start paddling too early, and you’re worn out before the wave even hits. Too late, and you’ll be left high and dry while the wave rolls on without you.

How to fix it: Paddle when that wave’s a couple of meters behind you. Keep those strokes strong, your head up, and your eyes on the wave. Once you feel that lift under your board, you’re in!

2. Standing Up Too Fast

We’ve all been there. The wave picks you up, and your instinct says “POP UP!”—and next thing you know, you’re face-planting in the water. Oops!

How to fix it: Chill out, take it easy. Pop up smoothly, not like you’re jumping off a trampoline. Practice those pop-ups on the beach first, and once you’re in the water, slow and steady wins the race.




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